Image Bearers
Join us for our 2024 digital women’s conference!
Who is this God Who says we are made in His own image?
Come along as we explore this topic and understand how it influences the way we see ourselves as women. When our identity is based on the truth of who God says He is and who we are, our day-to-day perspectives and motivations will change.
Living with security and deep unshakable peace is something we all hunger for. This peace is waiting for us and found in Jesus. He is longing for us to experience it.
It is our hope and prayer that the two sessions and personal testimony in this year’s event can impact you as you lean into the truth of who God is and who He says you are.
Just in case you’re new here…
Each year we make recorded video speaking and worship sessions available to women around the world. This content provides a starting point for a personal retreat or a gathering in your home or venue of choice.
Digital Content Overview
The following video sessions will be made available for viewing immediately upon purchase. For your convenience, access may be purchased at any time.
For more details see our FAQ section below.

Introduction & Welcome
Session 1: Verba Cross – 44 minutes
Who God Says I Am
Who is He? This question presents a quandary. Almighty God, the One whose image I bear, can never be fully understood or comprehended while living on this earth. The intentional pursuit of knowing Him is the most crucial component to knowing who I am. How can I know who I am if I don’t know the One in Whose image I am made? 1 John 3:2 says: “When Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” So in the meantime, what do we do? We get to know Him. Many times knowing Him is a part of our theology, but absent in our reality. Let’s look into ways that make knowing Him part of our everyday experience.
Session 2: Verba Cross – 42 minutes
Who Do I Say That I Am
Almighty God calls me His image bearer. How can this be? How can I be the image bearer for the Creator of the universe? It’s mind blowing. It’s incomprehensible. I hear myself saying, “yes” with my mouth, while my heart is wondering, not fully understanding and therefore not fully embracing. Is it possible for me to accept this incredible phenomenon when I don’t fully understand it? I believe so. In fact, I know so because I have found it to be true. I’m looking forward to sharing what I have learned and the impact it now has on my life.
Testimony: Katelyn Yoder – 19 minutes
Katelyn will be sharing her personal experience of learning to trust God’s unfailing goodness. We hope her story of walking through life without an earthly father, but finding a heavenly one, will grow your faith.
Conclusion & Goodbye
An introduction to our 2024 speakers.

Verba Cross
Verba Cross and her husband, Duane, have been married 34 years and are parents to four and grandparents to three. They currently serve as directors of Jamaica Relief Ministries. Years ago the confusion and chaos of life, brokenness, and its effects on them personally, sent them on a quest to discover the journey of their hearts. This opened the door to what has become their passion – walking with others in their journeys to living free and whole. Verba is forever grateful to be in a mutually adoring relationship with her Father, who is your Father too. She knows that He walks shoulder to shoulder with her into places of wonder and increasing wholeness.

Katelyn Yoder
Katelyn grew up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, but now resides with her husband and one year old daughter in Millersburg, Ohio. Her favorite ways to spend her time are at home with her family, meeting up with close friends for deep conversation over a good cup of coffee, or thrifting. She and her husband are currently serving as youth pastors at Gospel Haven Church. Although from an early age life didn’t go the way she would have chosen, she has learned and is still learning to trust that God’s goodness cannot and should not be based on her circumstances. Can you say you trust God unequivocally? She is on a journey of trying to learn how to do that and prays to speak hope and truth into whatever painful circumstances or hard road you may be walking by sharing her testimony of how He is good and trustworthy, regardless of our situations. He is our GOOD Shepherd, we shall not want.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully this answers any questions you have. If not, get in touch!
It is not a live event. The sessions and worship sets are recorded videos to use at your convenience. You may choose a suitable date to view or host this event. (After September 2024, we can no longer keep worship content online because of licensing regulations.)
Yes. Feel free to view the sessions as often as you like. Any attendees who have purchased digital access can rewatch the sessions as well – just share the digital access code with them. (Worship sessions may be removed after September 2024 due to licensing restrictions.)
If you are unable to attend or host an event with other women, you can do a personal retreat. You will receive access to the full video content.
If you order a mailed package, you will receive the following:
- A Hostess Guide*
- A pamphlet that contains questions to accompany the speaking sessions with space for taking notes
- A printed menu with mouthwatering recipes and helpful tips for inspiration
- A craft kit
- Fresh ground coffee and tea
- A gift designed by Joella Zimmerman @springhousecreativeco
*If you are ordering a package for a group, it will include one host guide for you as the facilitator. Coffee and tea will not be packaged individually, but in bulk for serving a group.
The deadline for ordering packages is January 6th. We order printed materials only once and ship everything in the middle of January. (Digital content access may be purchased at any time throughout the year. Please note that worship sessions may not be available after September 2024 due to licensing restrictions.)
Due to high shipping costs, we can only ship within the continental US. However, the digital access option is accessible to everyone!
You will need a screen, a projector, or a computer. You will receive an email with a link to all the pre-recorded videos. From this link you may download the sessions onto your computer or device, or if you have a good internet connection, the videos may be streamed as well.
We ask that digital access be purchased for every individual who watches the digital content. These purchases help to cover the cost of speakers, videography, printing, etc. Any individual with paid digital access may watch the content as often as they like. Please share the digital access code with your group so they are free to rewatch any of the sessions.
You will receive an email with a link and password giving you access to all video content and also digital copies of the Host Guide and discussion questions. If you order access for a group, the link and password will only come to you. You are welcome to share the information with your attendees. Digital access details will be emailed to you immediately upon purchase.
We value the time and effort our speakers and worship leader put into preparing and delivering content. We desire to adequately compensate our contributors. Videography costs are considerable and are a significant part of our expenses. In addition the design, printed material, licensure and shipping add to our costs. The team’s desire is to keep this event affordable for women and cover costs.
Hosting an Event
You will need to provide a location and present recorded video material to the attendees.
No. Your event can be planned at any time convenient for your group. Please note that there is a cutoff date of January 6th for ordering a mailed package(s). Digital access may be purchased at any time, and all videos may be viewed as many times as you wish, although worship sets may be removed after September 2024 due to license restrictions.
Video sessions will be made available for viewing on February 3, 2024. For your convenience, access may be purchased at any time.
Beyond the session descriptions above we won’t be able to offer a preview. After February 3, 2024 access will be granted immediately upon purchase.
Order access for the number of attendees you expect to have. If more ladies come than you’ve originally purchased access for, simply go back and order additional access to cover the difference. (Purchasing for each viewer helps us cover the expenses of producing this event.)
Select the options below to purchase access.
If you have questions, check the FAQ section here.
If you’re hosting an event each person who is participating should be counted in this number. If it is just you you’ll leave this at 1.