Daughters of Forgiveness
As beloved daughters of a good Father, we explore how to live forgiven and free, extending forgiveness to others in our homes and communities. We dive into the transformative power of compassion, commitment, and vulnerability in our relationships, honoring our Father and each other. Finally, we discover the privilege of belonging to God’s family, as His power and glory shine through us, creating a haven of peace in our homes.
Just in case you’re new here…
Each year we make recorded video speaking and worship sessions available to women around the world. This content provides a starting point for a personal retreat or a gathering in your home or venue of choice.
Digital Content Overview
The following video sessions will be available when you purchase access to our 2021 event. These sessions may streamed for viewing.
Access to these sessions will become available immediately upon purchase.

Introduction & Welcome: Joanne & Rachel
Session 1: Lolita Hershberger – 32 minutes
Living Forgiven, Forgiving, and Free
You are a beloved daughter of a good Father. Because of Jesus Christ, you can walk with joy, knowing you are forgiven, and your name is clear before your Father. Because you are His child you can live free from fear, and you can offer that same gift of forgiveness to the people around you in your home and community. To freely forgive as Christ forgives is to obey his law of love. As women, we don’t always do well with living forgiven and forgiving, and I’m looking forward to learning together about how to fully live, in freedom and harmony, as his daughters.
Session 2: Lolita Hershberger – 51 minutes
Living with Compassion and Commitment
You are so loved. Are you willing to live out of that love, and risk truly loving the people in your life? Living with compassion means allowing yourself to be vulnerable, daring to see another’s point of view, and staying committed and caring when relationships are tough. Father-love and compassion in our hearts build bridges where once there were walls. Our enemy’s plans cannot prosper when we are loving each other with Christ’s love. Our Father is truly honored and glorified as we are committed to caring for each other’s hearts by listening well, and speaking truth with love and in humility.
Session 3: Lolita Hershberger – 42 minutes
Embracing the Kingdom Within You
One of your greatest privileges as a child of God is belonging to His family and being a part of His kingdom. As His daughter, you bear His sacred name. His power and glory shining through you can transform your home and your relationships. As you embrace and fully live out of the Kingdom within you, your heart will be at rest and your home will be a haven of peace.
Conclusion & Goodbye: Joanne & Rachel
An introduction to our 2021 speaker.

Lolita Hershberger
Lolita is wife to Lavern and mother to five children, has lived in Poland serving with Anabaptist International Ministries since 2001. Through joy-filled moments, heartbreaking disappointments, and constant change, she has found her shepherd to be completely trustworthy. He is the Steadfast Rock under her feet.
Lolita loves spending time with ladies, sharing and praying together, and moving closer to Jesus. She is looking forward to inviting you (virtually) into her living room for Refresh 2021, to sit around her fireplace and hear what the Holy Spirit has given her to share.
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