Join us on a journey of joy and spiritual growth as we explore the essence of true happiness. Discover the secrets to obtaining and maintaining joy, even in difficult times. Find inspiration in knowing Jesus as the ultimate source of joy and learn practical strategies for a joy-filled life. Immerse yourself in a supportive community and embark on a path of lasting fulfillment.
Just in case you’re new here…
Each year we make recorded video speaking and worship sessions available to women around the world. This content provides a starting point for a personal retreat or a gathering in your home or venue of choice.
Digital Content Overview
The following video sessions will be available when you purchase access to our 2022 event. These sessions may streamed for viewing.
Access to these sessions will become available immediately upon purchase.

Introduction & Welcome: Jessica
Session 1: Sandy Schwartz – 34 minutes
Joy Supersedes Circumstance
What is joy? How can I obtain it? How can I keep it? What about stress? Does joy involve choice, or are some people just lucky because they have a “happy” personality? What if there was a secret of keeping joy in my everyday life, and I found it? What was the Apostle Paul’s secret? We will explore together what a joy-filled life looks like for a born again, Spirit-filled, daughter of God.
Session 2: Sandy Schwartz – 35 minutes
Knowing Jesus Is the Source of True Joy
The inexpressibly joy-filled life is only found in Christ. Even in seasons of struggle and trouble, God speaks to His children and provides guidance and strength to live with joy. In this session, I will share out of my life experiences, ways that God has stabilized me and brought me into deeper joy.
Testimony: Rosalee Schlabach – 16 minutes
Conclusion & Goodbye: Jessica
An introduction to our 2022 speakers.

Sandy Schwartz
Sandy is the wife of Rich and mother of six children ranging in age from seven to twenty-one, has lived in NYC since her marriage in 1998. During the last seventeen years in NYC, she has served as pastor’s wife, mostly at Followers of Jesus Mennonite Church in Brooklyn, but in the last three years at Believers in Jesus Church, a church plant in The Bronx. The years have been kind to Sandy—her husband loves her, God has blessed her with six healthy children, and she has “kindred spirit” friends who pray with her and love her. But even in the “kind” years, there have been intensely difficult seasons of grief and struggle that have shaped and molded her heart, eventually making it softer and bringing more refinement. Out of those painful seasons, joy still comes in the morning, and God still faithfully draws her back to himself.
Sandy loves to play piano and sing with her family, with the church, and with anyone else who will join her. What else does she love to do? Well, she loves praying with women, participating in ladies’ Bible studies, connecting over coffee or tea with friends and even strangers, and laughing. The laughter helps keep her young. It is probably fair to say that walking in the Spirit is what makes her come alive the most. When she is able to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey His voice throughout the day, her life opens up in greater wonder. She hopes that her speaking sessions will help point you to Jesus, the source of real joy.

Rosalee Schlabach
Rosalee (known to many of her friends as Rosy) and her three children, ages 8, 11 and 12, live on their little plot of land in Dundee, Ohio along with a dog, rabbit and seven chickens. Having been a widow for eight years now, she has learned many valuable lessons, not only about grief, but also about the faithfulness of God and appreciating each day. Although there has been much stumbling along the way, the Lord continues to gently lead her on the journey to finding joy in the midst of unwanted circumstances.
She has taken many creative adventures into things like acrylic painting, macrame, digital design, and candid photography and enjoys all of them. She also likes to relax with a good book or a warm bubble bath. Quality conversation is her love language, preferably over a good cup of coffee. Small talk is an unwanted necessity for this introvert.
She is passionate about truth and loves to share what God is teaching her with others.
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